Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gather ye data while ye may

As I continue to re-order the seven points of the ARL Task Force Final Status Report list, my version would group point 4, information sharing on digitization efforts, as a subset of point 6, data gathering on special collections operations. Digitization is indeed worthy of its own separate category, but I think it has a place in the larger concept of operations information gathering.

I have found the task force discussion on improving the means to measure the "depth and quality of unique and rare collections" of interest. This is certainly an intriguing concept. The nature of special collections is their uniqueness. Creating a "profile" that would categorize unique collections will certainly be a delicate procedure. I will enjoy learning more about this process.

Questions remain in my mind regarding the "ongoing statistical program designed to track status and progress of special collections in ARL libraries." What is the status of a collection? What exactly is "progress" in terms of a special collection and how is it determined?

The report then turns to the uniqueness of collections and a means to capture value. The term "value" can be defined in many ways. Certainly it can be financial value, such as an appraisal represents. Value can also be associated with meaning. What does a collection say about an idea, an individual, society? These will be interesting concepts to explore.

Digitization of primary source materials will continue to be a hot topic for years to come. As we all know, this particular form of outreach is a spectacularly successful way to introduce the public, on a worldwide platform, to important collections. This subject has been explored extensively for the past ten years resulting in recognized rules for standards and best practices. Digitization of special collections is a subject I have explored at length, developing a powerpoint poster on best use practices as well as an annotated bibliography. Given the information already available on this subject, I too, along with the task force, place this issue lower on the priority ladder.

The issues discussed in the final status report will become part of future agendas, standing committee operations, activities and discussions. Some of the latter, I'm sure, will take place in class next week.

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